50% Off Filmage Screen Recorder (Permanent License)

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50% Off Filmage Screen Recorder (Permanent License)
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Filmage Screen Recorder (6-Months License)

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Filmage Screen Recorder (6-Months License)
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FREE Filmage Screen Recorder (Trial Version)

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FREE Filmage Screen Recorder (Trial Version)
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Filmage Screen Recorder Coupons, Pricing and Competitors

Are there any official discounts coupons or deals for Filmage Screen Recorder?

Yes there plenty of dedicated pages where the company offers the latest deals, eg. Back to School sale, Cyber Monday deals, Merry Christmas discounts, Halloween promotion page, Spring sale page. These are the seasonal deals and discounts so keep an eye on them not to miss a great discount.

Can I download Filmage Screen Recorder Pro free?

Yes, you can download the professional version free for 7 days and use its full functionality without any limitations.

What is the difference between Filmage Screen Recorder free and paid version?

Though there is a completely free version of the screen recorder it lacks many features and has some limitation in functionality. Eg. video made with the free version will contain watermarks, the maximum video quality size will be limited to 720P, though the Pro version has 1080P and 4K, PIP (picture in picture mode) can be used only once in the free version, video production is limited to 2 minutes in the free version. So, I would say that the free version is more like to test some features and check how the program works. Here is a complete comparison table between two versions https://www.filmagepro.com/filmagescreen/store

Is there Filmage student or educational discount?

The following F.A.Q. from the official website states that if you are a professor or a student you can be eligible for the discount. Contact the company using the support email address for further instructions support@filmagepro.com

How to apply Filmage coupon code?

Select the product you would like and proceed to the shopping cart. In the shopping cart click on ”I have a coupon” -> paste Filmage promo code and hit apply. If the discount code is valid and/or hasn’t expired you will see a discounted price.

Filmage how to apply coupon code

The best Filmage Screen Recorder competitors and alternatives

To find out how really popular is Filmage Screen Recorder in comparison with the above competitors I have visited Google Trends.

Filmage screen recorder vs competitors trends

I set location as wordwide for the past 12 months and to tell the truth I was a bit upset that Filmage Screen Recorder has little to no search value in comparison with the competitors. As you can see from the screenshot above the absolute winner in the amount of search queries is Easeus RecExperts, then goes HD Video Converter, some signs of popularity then shows Cyberlink Screen Recorder and the last place takes Filmage Screen Recorder.

Filmage Screen Recorder pricing plans?

There are 3 plans available. A free plan, 6 months subscription for $14.99 and perpetual license for which you pay only once $29.99. The company accepts PayPal, Alipay, Visa, MasterCard and American Express as payment methods.

Filmage screen recorder pricing plans

How to save more for Filmage Screen Recorder?

To get the maximum discount you should always check the pricing on such holiday events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Halloween, New Year, Independence Day and so on. This advice applies not only to Filmage software but also to all other software, services and tools we share on our website. Another good advice would be to subscribe to the company’s newsletter so that you can receive an upcoming deal or a great promo code before the offer actually starts. Filmage also states that you can get a volume discount for purchasing their software. To get a volume discount you should contact the company via email support@filmagepro.com Finally don’t forget to use exclusive Filmage coupons and promo codes which we always check for validity.